In their pilot episode, Chris, John, Sam and special guest Rob come up with a Death Star ad campaign targeting the most misunderstood demographic of them all: dictators.



Chris  00:00

Rob, what do you want more than anything else? 

Rob  00:03

I want my children to respect me for once. 

Chris  00:06

Then I think you’re gonna like today’s product so it can travel at lightspeed. It’s got enough room for your family, and it’ll demand respect from your enemies and your children. How does that sound? 

Rob  00:17

Sounds a little too good to be true. 

Chris  00:20

Oh, it absolutely is. And we are going to make some ads for it. 

Rob  00:24

I’ve got a GOOD feeling about this.

Sam  00:29

Welcome to Adtempted where we make ads for things that don’t actually need them. I’m Sam, I make art.

Chris  00:34

I’m Chris. I make words. 

John  00:36

I’m John and I write things. 

Sam  00:38

And our special guest today is Rob. 

Rob  00:40

Hi, Rob Chester Smith. I’m an actor and writer here in LA currently sheltering in place and loving it. 

Chris  00:47

Well, we are glad to have you on Rob. So let me break this down. We are going to start by sharing some insights, then we’re going to pick a direction and ultimately we’re going to come up with a single execution that we will present to you our audience.

John  01:00

Alright, let’s jump into it. Here’s the brief. Today’s product is the Death Star, the iconic planet destroying Doomsday weapon from Star Wars, it’s large and in charge, destructive. And if you don’t know any better, you think it was just a nearby moon, almost completely indestructible. It can move at lightspeed from planet to planet and has all the resources to conquer an entire galaxy. The target for this demo will be people in power dictators, emperors, presidents, despots, you name it, we’ve got it.

Luke Skywalker  01:34

Heading for that small moon. That’s no moon.

Obi Wan  01:38

It’s a space station. 

Han Solo  01:39

It’s too big to be a space station.

Sam  01:43

Full disclaimer, we’re doing this for fun. We don’t actually like dictators, or evil people, but let’s get into it. First up. Special guests Rob 

Rob  01:52

Okay, here’s the problem I found when I really dug deep did a deep dive on the Death Star is for a lot of deathsots War sucks. it drags… they drag on forever. There’s expensive. They’re politically unpopular. The populace doesn’t like them. You know, it’s they go on and on and on. They cost there’s arguments in Congress all this stuff. Well, guess what? Now we have a Death Star. Now instead of fighting with their enemy for years at a time, boom, it’s done. Nope. war over no fuss, no muss. There’s no more enemies to cry “Oh, war crimes!” there’s no enemy at all. They’re gone. That’s what makes the Deathstar so great and so popular to a despot.  Another insight is, in this age of inclusivity we’ve overlooked something so many horrible weapons of mass destruction are phallic in nature. Think of every cannon every laser cannon every missile it’s just a bunch of penises. For boys, let’s be honest, to wave around and have penis measuring contest with their foes. Well guess what? The Deathstar is spherical. So instead of a phallic symbol, it’s an ovum. It’s ovic? ovum, uh.. symbol? it’s an egg — finally a weapon for the lady despot. We’re no longer – we’re no longer excluding half of the people in the universe. We’ve got sort of the inclusivity angle.  I personally like this one, you know how many… how many people buy a weapon? You know, here on Earth, we have nuclear bombs that nobody ever gets to fire and then they just sit there and are useless for anything else except maybe a paperweight. The Deathstar not the case. Let’s say it’s wartime. I use my Deathstar to destroy Alderaan and several other planets. Well, now the war is over. Guess what? I’m not gonna mothball this thing. I’ve now got a valuable revenue source. Think about it. bachelor party, you know party barge rentals. bachelorette party, it can be a bed and breakfast for billions. You know the the sort of offseason uses for this thing are off the charts so it really in this in this way it sort of pays for itself you know 

Sam  03:31

[laughs] That’s very true – good insight.

Rob  04:26

Yeah. With the sharing economy… with the sharing economy right now it’s this is a really easy way to turn your Deathstar your deadly weapon into a nice revenue source. 

Sam  04:39

Deathstar now on uh, what is it? 

Chris  04:42


Sam  04:43


John  04:45

Of these insights I really like the second one, because I think this is the perfect product to really take a stand for something that’s bigger than itself. you know?

Sam  05:01

Let’s face it, we’re never going to have a female president, at least not anytime soon. Let’s give them the chance to take that. 

Rob  05:07

Well, I want to…

Chris  05:09

by deadly force? [laugh]

Rob  05:11

I don’t know if you guys in the news currently as we’re recording this, there are a lot of rumors of the death of Kim Jong Un and what I read is that next in line would be his sister. SO, you have a twin sister. So it met it’s the first lady despot that I personally can think of. I don’t know any other totalitarian regimes that were headed up by ladies so it’s kind of a fun you know, the future is wide open. 

Sam  05:39

its cutting edge

Chris  05:41

I don’t know what a death spot is. What What is a death spot? 

John  05:46

Another word for like a tyrant.

Chris  05:49

I did not know that.

Rob  05:52

d e s p ot a death spot is a spot where deaths occur.

Chris  05:57


Rob  06:02

But this is so this is finally a saber rattling weapon for the lady totalitarian regime.

Sam  06:10

I like it. 

John  06:11

I love that. That’s hilarious. 

Sam  06:13

That is the best one so far

Rob  06:18

As a father though, and a guy who’s trying to trying to make his mortgage every month, I’m really turned on by the idea of this thing becoming a revenue source and paying for itself. I would not I like the idea of the Deathstar party barge you’d take bachelor parties out and they get to like, zap asteroids and stuff with with the cannon. You know what I mean? 

John  06:43

Yeah, I hear you but I think that could be something that we tie in with the non phallic-ness of it.

Sam  06:53

That’s a stretch. It’s a little bit of a stretch. All right, let’s move on. 

Rob  07:02


Sam  07:02

And then we can come back and… 

John  07:04

All right, Chris, I think you’re up Chris. 

Chris  07:06

I’m up next? Okay. So here’s what I got for you. Um, you know, the Deathstar is a world unto itself, which I think is something that’s really overlooked in the movies. You can fill it with whatever things you want, you can fill it with whatever people you want. And no one outside of it can tell you what to do, or even like, make you leave. It’s literally a dictators dream, because it’s your own world that you get to create.  So my next one, okay, I’m going to drop some truth on you guys. Humans are going to wreck the planet. And we probably are not going to have a whole lot of you know, tech when that happens to get human civilization off of our planet when that happens. And so that’s why I think the Death Star is going to be a space arc for humanity and you as the dictator get to decide what is going to survive what is going to die.

Rob  08:00


Chris  08:00

Are you going to take you know certain pieces of humanity or history with you, you get to decide you get to be Noah. And then my last one Earth is a shitty place it’s filled with lots of lame people and they are doing a lot of lame things. And there are probably better things beyond our solar system that are just waiting to be conquered. I, you know, like there’s such like a high chance that there is intelligent life in this universe. The Death Star is like the best way to go out explore it and conquer it.

Rob  08:36

I definitely am sparking off that last one if I’m a despot, I am a narcissist. My soul as a black hole of validation requiring – I need more and more and more and more. A despot takes over earth or whatever planet they’re on. you need… 

Chris  08:53

It’s boring. 

Rob  08:54

Yeah, eventually you have to keep feeding the hole. What better way to do that and then in your own floating death machine that no one can oppose?

Sam  09:06


John  09:07

Mm hmm. 

Sam  09:08

Valid. Very good. 

Chris  09:10

All right, John, let’s see what you got.

John  09:14

Alright, so looking into this, I thought of the idea of the Death Star as an organizational tool for these despots around the world. So organize your life and the galaxy. We all know how clutter can affect the life or despot. That can cause anxiety, deppression and the sense that you are not able to control the masses on your own life, well fear no more. Now you can get rid of the planets that as Marie Kondo would say, Don’t spark joy, and take back control of your destiny by eliminating the chaos.

Rob  09:50

Ah, Yes. 

Chris  09:52

Can I just say that when you started reading that my mind immediately went to like a Viagra style ad of like, do you suffer from the following? Try… Ask your doctor about the Deathstar. 

John  10:06

Oh, it can really put these despots and tyrants into a better mental state, which would in turn, you know, create a better planet and Earth. 

Rob  10:17

I say, John, I think that clutter and clearing you’re taking back control of your life and making it the way – making it the galaxy that you want to live in. 

Chris  10:28

Mm hmm. 

Rob  10:29

Instead of having dictated to you I mean, the clutter thing with Marie Kondo very hot right now. Personally, I’ve been affected by it. Because of her. I have to fold my T shirts neatly in my T shirt drawer. It’s uh, it’s really it hasn’t sparked joy yet. I guess I shouldn’t bring this up. I’m getting off. off topic here. Love this idea. 

Chris  10:53

I was gonna say one thing that I was also thinking about while you were talking was like, you can probably find a way to like organize entire, like solar systems and constellations if you really wanted to, 

Rob  11:04


Chris  11:05

like you could you theoretically you could like Star write in the sky by destroying everything within certain view so that you can create letters and messages by the blackness left behind by your destruction. 

Sam  11:21

destroy everything to write a message. Wonderful. 

Chris  11:25

How romantic would that be though? 

Rob  11:27

Hey Mother’s Day is coming up! 

Chris  11:29

oh God, I would love to see what my mom would do with the Death Star. Okay. 

John  11:34

All right, I got one more. One more insight. And it’s a rebranding this. These are always part of the pitch, but I thought we could pitch it. Let’s call this the life star. We’ve all heard of the circle of life, the Death Star speeds up that circle. Because with death comes new life. The Death Star is actually a life star. Controlling populations to insert… ensure we can all thrive

Rob  12:00

Oh, very Thanos. Very Thanos of you. 

John  12:04

exactly an allegory. I would say Thanos is an allegory for eugenics, all that bad stuff. So let’s just rebrand it. Let’s make it something good. 

Chris  12:16

So are we also saying that like, Hey, we know that you’re a totalitarian dictator, but we know that you’re going to do the right thing. And control populations. 

John  12:28

well don’t totalitarians think they’re doing the right thing?

Chris  12:31


John  12:31

don’t they think They’re doing the right thing, because I think we’re advertising to them. 

Rob  12:36

Hey, we’re not here to judge. We are not here to judge.

Sam  12:41


Rob  12:43

this is not the fake news media. Okay? 

John  12:46

We’re here to sell a product Chris. We got it. We got to move that product.

Chris  12:52

Okay, let’s let’s control some populations. 

Sam  12:56

It’s important. 

John  12:57

All right. I think Sam’s up next.

Chris  13:00

Round us out. 

Sam  13:00

So I have some, I have some quick insights. The first one is it allows you to become an instant global superpower, you’ll have 20 years of non stop jobs, plus the jobs that come afterwards.

Rob  13:13


Sam  13:14

You automatically fix the housing crisis because you have 2 billion homes that need to be filled and you’ll have the – the best political power and military power in the world so basically, you’re gonna jump right up to be the best country… planet… in the world in the universe. Actually, now I think about it.  My next one is it’s an eco alternative to Earth. It’s clean powered, can take it anywhere. And everything you need is in one place, all powered by a kyber crystal so no pollution, nothing you can just destroy anything you want – 

Rob  13:46

Oh that’s right.

Sam  13:47

… stop all that stuff. Keep everything healthy. Live that minimalist lifestyle with pure power.  And the last one, you’ll have the most friends in the galaxy. Everyone will like you because they’ll be too afraid not to, you could just kill them. Why wouldn’t they like you? 

Chris  14:04

Oh, yeah, I like that last one. I will say that like, I think something that dictators maybe sometimes lack depending on their power is like, friends and people liking you. 

Sam  14:18


Chris  14:19

Especially having like friends from different backgrounds. Mm hmm. 

John  14:23

I think that last one hits the nail on the head of the fact that these dictators are all narcissists, you know, and one thing that narcissists want, people will like them. So if we tell them, “hey, this can give you the most friends.” I’m pretty sure. Case in point Trump, would be like, hell yeah. Sign me up. I need some of that… 

Chris  14:46

death stars will be flying off the shelves, 

John  14:48


Sam  14:48


John  14:50

That’s a good point.

Sam  14:52

Yeah, we all need friends. No matter how we make them. 

Leia  14:55

Your friend is quite a mercenary. Wonder if he really cares about anything. or anybody. 

Chris  15:01

So I absolutely love and laughed at the ovum idea from Rob. I think it’s really funny, especially because it would be unexpected to talk to a more female audience for the Deathstar. And I also think that there’s something interesting that can be done with a combination of the Noah’s Ark idea, the lifestar rebranding, and the Eco alternative. And you know what, I’m a little biased. I do kind of like my galaxy’s best space exploration device idea, you know, go beyond Earth, see what else is out there? What What say ye fellow podcasters

Rob  15:39

on the subject of bias, I love the idea of of making this like a third love campaign. For those of you not familiar, third Love is a very much. It’s very it’s a bra brand, but it is very much like women’s like favorite bra. It’s like it’s the bra for people who actually respect and love women and I don’t know I love the idea like Hey guy- Hey ladies, like war has been in the hands of these stupid men for too long. Let’s do it right with the Deathstar. The world’s first non-phallic, like, WMD. 

Sam  16:20

I like that one. I like that idea a lot. That’s one of the ones my top ones. 

Rob  16:25

But, uh, however, I also think it’s important to consider the mindset of the totalitarian regime and that is narcissism. This is someone who is ruled by their own ego. And if that’s the case, then which of these really speaks to that? To me, that’s the galaxy’s best space exploration device. 

Chris  16:51

Well, thank you, Rob. 

Rob  16:53


Sam  16:54

if I can jump in real quick. 

Chris  16:56

No… [Laughter] Go ahead.

Sam  17:00

I Have something that speaks to that, in a way, it’s kind of a combination of the best exploration device and organize your life and galaxy. All right, hear me out. It’s Make the galaxy your own.

Chris  17:16


Sam  17:17

The Galaxy is what you make it. So basically giving you the power to make it exactly as you are or as you want it literally. You can explore it. You can change it, you can take control of it. It’s your galaxy. 

Rob  17:33

It’s your Galaxy.

Sam  17:34


Chris  17:35

We may have just found our tagline 

Rob  17:37

It’s your Gallaxy that is that it’s your galaxy. That’s what the kids love these days. They want to make it their own 

Chris  17:43

customization personalization. 

Rob  17:46

What – I mean come on, you can craft your own galaxy.

John  17:51

I like that a lot. 

Chris  17:53

Damn. Okay, john. Let’s what’s what’s going through your brain?

John  17:59

initially, I Love robs us market this as a WMD for women 

Chris  18:06

women MD 

John  18:06

because it plays so well in the #Metoo movement

Rob  18:11

we put the WM in woman and WMD

John  18:18

but upon further reflection I’m kind of leaning more now towards this make the galaxy yours and that would be the combination of having the most friends organize your life and best base exploration device, kind of, you know, just because it’s all about you know, it really is targeted to this audience 

Rob  18:41

it’s perfect it’s it’s it’s “Hey, hey narcissistic freak show like it’s all about you. Make the galaxy your own. Make it your galaxy.” Oh, its perfect!

Chris  18:55

I’m trying to think of like, Is there like a line somewhere there about like having things revolve around you or orbit around you. 

Rob  19:02

That’s a, your, Yes. absolutly.

Sam  19:05

It does have its own gravitational field. 

Chris  19:08

Ooo. Okay, so it sounds like we’re kind of down for it’s, it’s your galaxy.

Rob  19:15

[Laughter] It reminds me of blaze pizza. Because we went there recently. It’s like because the whole lure the kids love blaze pizza because they get to be in charge of their own little pizza. And it’s just that concept exploded to the size of a galaxy. 

Starwars Character  19:33

The final checkout is completed. All systems are operational. What course shall we set? 

Admiral Tarkin  19:39

I think it is time to demonstrate that the full power of this station Set your course for Alderaan. [Dramatic music]

Sam  19:46

Sounds like we’ve made our decision. Let’s figure out how we can take make the galaxy yours a little bit further. 

Chris  19:52

So what are we thinking is like the best way to talk to these dictators. These people who want everything And probably aren’t reading print magazines. I don’t know. 

Rob  20:06

Here’s what I’ll say about I keep saying that we’re Narcissistic Personality complex, the world revolves around them and they also feel like no one understands how hard it is to be them because not only are they the best but they’re also have the hardest problems. In Alcoholics Anonymous they say like, I’m the piece of shit the world revolves around. I think when you’re speaking to a totalita– a dictator, you need to come to them with like, You’re totally right. You have so much on your shoulders, and nobody understands. Those people in the press. They don’t understand. They need to be coddled you know what I mean? They need to be spoken to as like we get it, It’s hard. 

John  20:48

i know, I almost want to see this as like a DR. Type campaign where it’s like “have protester been really tampering your mood lately?. Have your executions of world leader — have your has your executions of peacekeepers been in the media? Oh, have we got the solution for you? Like call one 800 554 death now for your own Death Star.

Chris  21:19

 So so far what I have is like the idea is like simply expressed like it’s your Galaxy make the galaxy that you want and that you want to see. And there’s some sort of line about like the galaxy revolves around you or something. 

Rob  21:34

That’s the one, I really like that. I also I’m realizing that like, because I’m really turned on by this one of two tags, it’s your galaxy, or make the galaxy your own. And what we’re appealing to is the sensitive artistic side of the of the dictator. 

Chris  21:54

A lot of dictators do see themselves as like very, like misunderstood artists.

Sam  22:00


Chris  22:00

 Okay, so in terms of like, media, I know that john talked about, like direct response mailer, I kind of liked the idea of like a dictator watching, like Sky News or some sort of like international news programming. And immediately after, it’s like, bagging on them, like, ooh, like Kim Jong Un’s missiles that didnt go somewhere, cuts to commercial. And then it’s like, you know what, like, we hear you, we know that things are hard, and that everyone’s kind of cramping on your style. Make your own style. So I kind of think that, like something about like, news placement might be a good idea, because I feel like dictators are probably worried about the reputation. And that’s, that’s where they’re talking about it the most. 

Sam  22:47

In my opinion. There’s not a lot of dictators out there. And I think, yes, we can put it on like Fox News and target a specific dictator and all that fun stuff. But it doesn’t really make them feel too special. What if we do it in a way like an influencer package in the form of like what we would send an influencer. So we would make them feel super special. You’ll do a thermos we’ll do a trophy, a golden trophy that looks just like the Death Star or maybe we do a track suit with the Deathstar branding on it. Stuff like that. So they’re really hyped about it. They obviously have to get it with messaging all over it with a letter explaining it like we want we’re here to help we want you to influence people and make the world your own. 

Rob  23:37

Oh okay, so influencer kit means you send it to an influencer and they were that shit on our next podcast or whatever it is, yes, or their next Instagram thing. 

Chris  23:46

So we would we be sending these kits to the dictators or are we kind of creating an influencer? That’s like living that Deathstar life

Sam  23:57

 I think because they’re narcissists –  If we send it directly to them saying you’re the only ones get this exclusive package, 

Chris  24:06


Sam  24:07

it speaks to them more. And we’ll get more attention. Like, I’m sure if we send something to Trump, it was gold plated. So this is only to you and a few other people, you’re very special. They’ll be like, buy everything. We want this buy all of them, no matter what  one thing I’m thinking about with dictators is heavy is the head that wears the crown. In other words, we all imagined, like whoever’s in charge, like, Oh, they get to do whatever they want. But in a TV show, the person who’s in charge is always like, I have all the power the kingdom, but I can’t walk down the street to get a sandwich. Like, they’re there. They’re constantly assaulted with decisions they have to make, and everything’s up to them and that and they just want to be like an artist, like, Is there a way to say like, Hey, this is gonna free you. I’m trying to figure out like, Is there a way to play on that a little bit. I don’t know what it would be either a spot that shows them finally like you know you can finally with this you can finally cast off your burdens or do we send out coloring books so they can express themselves? Death Star coloring books

Chris  25:18

Hmm, So it sounds like we’re kind of between two mediums either sending them something directly or doing like a very targeted TV spot 

John  25:29

What if we took out billboards outside of these dictators you know palaces where they where they live that say we know we know is tough having a bad day we know is tough. Why not let us help Death star. you know, or something like that and maybe almost make it like a propaganda poster too, just to make it a little bit. You know, funny, keep them in on the joke. 

Chris  25:59

I was gonna say that If we do like a visual medium like that, I love the idea of doing propaganda style, it would make perfect sense for who we’re talking to. 

Sam  26:07

If we do billboards, we should make them contextual. So like, the place where people usually gathered a protest the dictator, we just write above “you getting annoyed. Let’s do something about it. Death star.”

Chris  26:22

I actually really love that.

John  26:23

I actually, I like that

Chris  26:25

 Rob what do you think

Rob  26:26

I’m stuck here because we were I was really, I guess, maybe I just seem to let go of it’s your galaxy. 

Sam  26:33

we’ll still.. we will – 

Rob  26:35

Because right now we’re talking about right now. We’re talking about terrestrial dictators that we know of, you know, do we need to speak to all the fictional dictators out there in the galaxy? 

Sam  26:45

We’re speaking to people now as if they had access to the galaxy.

Rob  26:52


Sam  26:52

I think 

Chris  26:53

Yeah, because the the idea is that we have like a death star like it’s right behind Earth’s moon. Like it’s there ready to go for whoever is gonna buy it. It’s got like all the capabilities of the Death Star from the movie. So like, you know if tomorrow, Kim Jong Un or Vladimir Putin drops, how much are we charging for this thing? By the way? Is it like 800 trillion dollars?

Rob  27:19

Maybe in the quintillions? I’m not sure. 

Sam  27:21

It’s Septillions I believe a think its is like $380 septillion something like that. 

Chris  27:26

Okay. Okay, so I kind of like the out of home contextual idea.

John  27:31

 I do too.

Chris  27:33

Yeah. What do you thinkin and Rob? 

Rob  27:35

I’m thinking about the dictator as this lonely, misunderstood artists locked in an ivory tower. Did anyone see the movie Team America world police?

John  27:48

America fuck yeah

Rob  27:49

theres a lot of- . It’s the it’s the it’s South Park guys made a parody action movie. But in the action movie was Kim Jong Il, I believe it was because he was still alive at the time. But he sings a song about how lonely he is. He’s just he’s just ordered, you know, people to be murdered or whatever. And then he turns and he’s but he’s still just alone all by himself. We are the one product that understands him. And how important what he does is, is there a way to hit them with that? We get it no one else gets it not even your your closest advisors do but we do. Here. We’re going to give -here’s your golden ticket. finally be able to express yourself in the way that you deserve. I’m not sure what,  talk about you said out of home contextual? Meaning like..

Sam  28:49

I think what you’re speaking to you right now, Rob, is the voice of the campaign. 

Rob  28:54


Sam  28:55

That’s the voice. 

John  28:56


Sam  28:56

Like we’re speaking to them like we understand. We’re the only ones that understand So now, let us help you. 

Rob  29:02


Sam  29:03

So we can do that in various different ways in the mediums because it just depends on how you want to present it. 

John  29:09

Honestly, I honestly almost see our voice being very similar to like a rehab commercial for Malibu, like the Malibu rehab centers. 

Sam  29:19

The problem with that is the rehab centers are speaking to people who know they have a problem. And they’re wanting to fix it. Whereas, 

John  29:27


Sam  29:28

I guess it could work. 

John  29:28

Yeah, I hear you but I guess as far as the voice goes, I’m thinking almost like a calming, soothing, like, ah, I kind of you know what I’m saying like, if you watch those passages ads, they’re not calling out that people how that someone has a problem really necessarily. They’re almost just like, get get out, figure it out 

Sam  29:49


John  29:50

yeah reassure. Yeah, the word I was looking for, could have done that whole sentence was just reassuring. Thank you Sam.

Chris  30:00

Well, I was gonna say one of the reasons why I actually really liked the idea of the contextual out of home is because we can speak in that voice to dictators, depending on what it is. So like Sam said, it’d be kind of funny if the copy on the Billboard that’s near an area where people are protesting was something along the lines of like, you know, we like we know that the people below are like stressing you out Don’t you wish that you could like go out to like the cosmos and kind of make it your own?

Rob  30:32

 We get it, yeah

Chris  30:34

Exactly. Like we get it. The people below this billboard are raising your blood pressure. 

Rob  30:40

They just don’t get it. They don’t get it. They don’t get it 

Sam  30:44

Don’t go somewhere where everyone gets you. 

Rob  30:48

Is there something more dynamic than a billboard in that case? Because we don’t know where a protest is going to take place. 

John  30:57

They don’t even necessarily have to be They could just be in famous locations like we can Tiananmen square. Or the red. What is it the red? outside of the Soviet building?

Chris  31:15

Isnt that also The Red Square? 

John  31:17

Yeah, I think it’s the red square – whats with all these squares and communist countries

Sam  31:24

They’re such a square group of people

Chris  31:27

Sorry, Sam, what was that line you were saying before? Don’t you wish you could go somewhere 

Sam  31:32

where everyone gets you? 

Rob  31:33

Well, it’s also a safe space for, for dictators. 

Chris  31:37

That is really what we’re selling at the end of the day. So 

Rob  31:39

it’s finally a safe space for the dictators. 

Chris  31:43

Okay. I actually really love the idea of having these billboards and, like specific places where rebellions happen

Rob  31:51

ooh right

Chris  31:52

 Especially because it has a lot to do with the material that’s in the film being the whole point of it.  I like that. That’s fun. Because it’s basically you put up billboards where that you would expect it to be about like the fight goes on, but it’s not. It’s about like, you believe these people here 200 years ago protesting.

John  32:12


Sam  32:12


John  32:13

Perfect. I like that. 

Rob  32:14

So where where would they like Tiananmen Square is perfect. Is there an iconic American Revolution site? That would be like, oh,

Chris  32:23

 Boston Harbor? 

Rob  32:24

Yeah, like pro King George. 

Chris  32:26


John  32:27

Gettysburg. haha Pretty controvertial .

Chris  32:36

Okay, so we got tenement square. Do we want to do the Red Square in Russia? 

Sam  32:42

We have internet in front of us. 

Rob  32:43

Well, then that thing is, yeah, it needs to be well known. And also not offensive. I’m just realizing like there are plenty of places where revolts were put down in the United States that you definitely don’t want to 

John  32:59


Chris  33:00

Yeah, I really do think that like, the more modern we can get it though, the better and more relevant. It’ll be like, that’s why I love Tiananmen Square so much. I was gonna say I have a bad one, the DMZ. 

Rob  33:12

That’s a great one. That’s terrific, because that’s absurd.

Sam  33:16

 the DMZ for North Korea? 

John  33:18

billboard on the DMZ? 

Chris  33:20

I was gonna say if you want to get his attention, or her attention, depending on when this podcast goes up. 

Rob  33:26

I think Chris is right. I think the DMZ is the prime place. Look, where else is there a single spot where everyone’s focused. It’s DMZ or nowhere. 

Chris  33:38

Yeah, and the line could be something along the lines of like, the only like division or the only border that you have to worry about is like your Imagination or something like that 

Rob  33:47

Your imagination! the only limit is your imagination! Look, no one’s got any there’s no other billboards. There got 100% media saturation.

Chris  34:03

Oh God, the funniest part is that it would have to be probably on the South Korea side in order for North Korea to see it. 

Sam  34:12

Yeah. It would definitely would.

Chris  34:16

 Okay, so what’s our third one? Do you want to place in America? 

John  34:20

What about like Waco, Texas? Put up a billboard near Waco. That’s where the government just killed like 75 people, right? 

Sam  34:29

Wasnt Waco a cult? 

John  34:31


Chris  34:33

Here I guess is maybe another question that might help us think about, like who to talk to or what to say is like, so we know about like Kim Jong Un obviously, like Putin’s a pretty easy target. Are there any other dictators that we aren’t really thinking about? Because for example, like are there dictators in like African countries for example, we might want to

Rob  34:57

currently all the best African dictator are in the past, sadly, really well, Edamine is a classic –  Papa dog and baby


All the best dictators are in the past, and they were like the worst human beings ever.

Sam  35:16

I think the problem with Russia is Russian Russians actually really like Putin. So I don’t think there’s like a problem. Unless we do like Cremiera or whatever that is.

Rob  35:28


Chris  35:31

I mean, is there like, I’m trying to think Is there like a place in like Central America that we could maybe do? I’m trying to think of like, 

Sam  35:41

Yeah, one of the Central American countries then as well yet?

Rob  35:44

Well, I was thinking of like, there’s always a journalist getting killed in Russia. So maybe we had a billboard on top of like the ITAR TAs news agency. That’s like, hey, a person We get it these guys just don’t get 

Sam  36:02

it also speak to Russia because Russia wants to control more land so you could speak to them like hey, there’s there’s a whole galaxy out there Why worry about it?

Rob  36:14

Okay, how about this? What if there’s a Yeah, what if you put it up in Berlin where the wall used to be and it’s basically face towards Russia and it’s like hey Putin come back or something like that 

Chris  36:27

Berlin wall would be oof. We could do the Berlin Wall

Rob  36:33

whatever is there now? 

Sam  36:35

I don’t know if thats Strong enough

Chris  36:37

Actually, I was gonna say their Berlin Wall was down the middle of Germany right Right.

Sam  36:43

Yeah. Yeah.

Chris  36:45

Cuz gotta be somewhere the dictators eyes are gonna be. isn’t there? What is Putin most like obsessed with right now? Do we already talk about Crimea?

Sam  36:56

Yeah, I have a list of dictators right now.

Rob  36:59

Classic dictators

Sam  37:00

Well, we can do something with Iran. Sure. Right outside a military, American military base saying Don’t you wish these people would leave?

Rob  37:10

Right? We get it. Yeah, the shots not the shot the ayatollah, who’s in charge of Iran now, who is the

Sam  37:20

supreme leader? Al cominius. comini comoney? 

John  37:26

No, the Ayatollah 

Rob  37:27


John  37:28

Yeah. ayatollah is 

Rob  37:28


John  37:29

  like a prime minister that

Rob  37:31

right the Prime Minister is elected. The Ayatollah is is technically actually in charge. 

Sam  37:38

What if we do Russia and we play off the Mother Russia thing and go back to the ovum?

John  37:45

I think above like the new york times in office in Russia would be fun. You’d see it

Chris  37:51

and the line, something about like, the only voice you have to listen to out there is your own.

Sam  37:57


John  37:59

 yeah. There you go. That’s Like that it’s perfect.

Chris  38:02

Okay, do you want to do that New York times in  russia– 

Sam  38:04

Yeah do that. 

Chris  38:05

DMZ and tiaman, tiamanan. Is that how you say it?  tia-na-men.

John  38:08

tiananmen, Tiananmen, 

Chris  38:10

Tiananmen. Okay.  Okay, so it sounds like we’ve decided we’re gonna have contextual billboards in Tiananmen Square, The New York Times office in Russia and the DMZ facing towards North Korea. So I threw out like a couple lines and I can just kind of go over them really quickly. So as a tagline I love make the galaxy your own. Love that so much. Some other lines that we’ve thrown out include the galaxy revolves around you. Don’t you wish you’d go somewhere everyone gets you. The only borders are your imagination. And the only voice you have to worry about is your own.

Rob  38:50

Oh, those are Oh, I oh..

John  38:55

Okay, so the only border is your imagination is a lie. And the tag i think is make the galaxy yours. I don’t think we need 

Chris  39:05

make the galaxy yours? 

John  39:07

I think it can be just make it make the galaxy yours.

Sam  39:10


Chris  39:11

I like it too

Sam  39:12

Make the galaxy or yours should be our main tag. Definitely.

Chris Hanna  39:16

How are we feeling about any of those lines? I kind of love the imagination borders one for DMZ.

Sam  39:22


Chris  39:23


John  39:24

Oh, That’s perfect placement for the DMZ.

Chris  39:26

So DMZ. The only borders are your imagination. Make the galaxy yours.

Rob  39:32

That’s just like it’s caring and like gentle and like, thoughtful.

Chris  39:38

in the most volatile place. Okay, cool. So, um, I think that the line is kind of long right now the only voice you have to worry about is your own. But I like something for that in the New York Times office on in Russia, because it’s kind of talking about the fact that like, obviously, you Time has been reporting on Putin saying what he’s doing. And I love this idea of like, you know, out in space you don’t have to worry about other people’s like opinions or recording or something

Robert Smith  40:11

or something like you can’t. In space no one can hear you scream was the 2001 tagline. 

Sam McKinney  40:20


Robert Smith  40:20

I believe  it there something like that, like in space. You can’t hear fake news or something like that, like

Chris Hanna  40:29

no can… 

John Fish  40:29

no one can criticize in space.

Robert Smith  40:32

In space. There’s no bad news.

Chris Hanna  40:36

No fake news and space.

Robert Smith  40:38

what is that thing in Space or you’ll make your make your own news in space.

Chris Hanna  40:41

Is there something we could play with like “your truth” because that’s like also something that’s like really big with like, self help is like finding your truth. And…  it also has to do with the New York Times campaign that’s running right now. 

Sam McKinney  40:55


Robert Smith  40:56

Oh my god. 

John Fish  40:57

 Kind of how it how this campaign shaping now. It’s almost like a self help for dictators in a way. So it’s like your truth 

Sam McKinney  41:06

You’re truth is  the one that matters.

John Fish  41:08

Yeah, your truth is the only one in space.

Robert Smith  41:11


Chris Hanna  41:11

Your truth is the only one. Okay, so in space your truth is the only one that matters. 

Robot Sam  41:17

Uh huh. 

Sam McKinney  41:18


Chris Hanna  41:19

I like that a lot. Actually.  I’ve got the last one for tiananmen square. Don’t let anyone stand in your way.

Everyone  41:29


Robert Smith  41:32

Oh, that’s so terrific, Sam a horrible monster. I’m glad it’s funny. I’m glad they’re suffering is funny for you, Sam.

Sam McKinney  41:40

 I am a dick.I know.

Chris Hanna  41:43

Sorry, Sam. Can you repeat that?

Sam McKinney  41:47

Don’t let anyone stand in your way.

Chris Hanna  41:50

Sam, how long were you sitting on that?

Sam McKinney  41:54

A couple minutes.

Chris Hanna  41:55

ugh God… okay guys, we got it.  

Robert Smith  42:00

All that cocaine is finally paying off, Sam

Sam McKinney  42:03

There we go. We have a campaign! 

Chris Hanna  42:06

We have a campaaaaaaaaaaaaign!

Robert Smith  42:10

Wow. WOW. Oh yeah. All we had to do was shed any amount of human decency or consideration of human welfare.

Chris Hanna  42:21

I have a feeling its going to be like that for a lot of these. 

Sam McKinney  42:25

Yeah, Do you think this going to help is our careers or make them harder?

Star Wars Character  42:29

Princess Leia before your execution, I would like you to be my guest as ceremony that will make this battle station operational. No star system will dare oppose the Emperor now.  commence primary ignition. [EXPLOSION SFX]

Obiwan  42:53

Theres great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror then suddenly silenced. I feel something terrible has happened

Chris Hanna  43:03

first I think what we should do is we should thank our special guests Rob for being here 

Robert Smith  43:08

Oh, you guys. It was great. Please invite me back anytime.

Sam McKinney  43:13

We probably will.

Robert Smith  43:14

Okay, so next week? got it.

Chris Hanna  43:16

We also want you to bring back every single time you come back we want you to bring that ovum idea inside warmer other camp every single product. It doesn’t matter what we’re doing. We want to have that insight in

Robert Smith  43:28

Got it, can do! guys. I am all about youngian archetypes and bringing them into the work.Thanks for having me guys. I learned a lot.

Chris Hanna  43:38

We all did too

Sam McKinney  43:39

I think we’ve all grown.

Chris Hanna  43:42

Here is our final campaign for the Deathstar. Our insight is that dictators are narcissists, who you know are just misunderstood. And that’s why we’re going with the tagline make the galaxy yours. Our medium is going to be out of home contextual placements. And so we’ve got three billboards. The first First one is going to be on the DMZ line in between North Korea and South Korea. And it’ll read the only borders are your imagination. The second one is going to be in Tiananmen Square. And the line on that one, it’s going to say, don’t let anyone stand in your way. And our third and final one is not going to be a New York Times office in Russia because we found out with later research that there actually isn’t one. But that’s okay. We got a backup. It’s going to be the Associated Press broadcasting Center building in Moscow, and the line on that billboard is going to read in space, your truth is the only one that matters. make the galaxy yours, the Death Star.

John Fish  44:39

Now it’s your turn. Check out our results on And let us know how we did on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Just follow @adtempted until next time, may the force be with you