We are a bunch of friends attempting to come up with some ads for fictional products to pitch to you, our audience. Will we fail? More than likely, but at least we’re having fun doing it. Listen each month as we talk, joke, and stumble into our next great campaign, or die trying.

(Makes Art)

Hailing from Americas Heartland, Sam has an uncontrollable urge to say “Ope, sorry” in any given situation. He likes drawing things, eating, and generally living. He has a strange addiction to creating punny ads, no matter how bad they may be.

(The Copy Righter)

When Chris isn’t crafting strong copy that he hopes Taylor Swift would be proud of, he’s stirring up equally strong drinks and striking up random conversations at his local bodega. When he’s not doing those things, he’s probably looking for parking near a weirdly-named hipster restaurant that’s supposed to be really good.

(The Copy Fighter)

John writes things, but more importantly he likes to talk about things. When he isn’t providing the adtempters with brilliant ideas and jokes he likes to go hiking, and more recently socially distant drives. When the pandemic is over you can find him on the trails at Griffith Park.